Supported living with accomadation 16+

16+ supported accommodation

Coastal Care Solution is proud to offer a range of packages as part of its supported living services. We have 7 apartments within a communal property within the Blackpool area which has been fully refurbished to a high standard to give residents something to maintain and pride in their home. As part of this package we offer a range of services to our young people these include

  • Apprentice, traineeships and work experience opportunities
  • A modular programme based around there independence development plan
  • Training and educational opportunities
  • Genuine employment opportunities with local businesses
  • Independence development in a supported setting
  • Domestic skills workshops
  • Financial support and independence
  • 24/7 staffed provision
  • Drug and alcohol support
  • Trauma informed practice
  • County lines prevention workshops
  • CSE screening and support
  • Pathway to Housing association and desirable and affordable housing on transition from the home
  • Behaviour management and emotional welfare support
  • MFC reduction support

Assessment programmes

Coastal Care Solutions are proud to offer 14 day assessment programmes for young people who need there independent abilities assessing and a plan developing for their transition into support living. This package will give day visits, over night visits and 1 weekend visits for young people to fully experience independent living with the correct support and guidance in place. Over a 14 day period the young person will spend 8 nights in a supported accommodation provision with 24 hour support and allocated key working and independence workshops within that time. Workshops  in the package include

  • Financial stability and application workshop
  • Employability workshop
  • Online training including food hygiene, health and safety and first aid
  • Independence week 1 package included over the programme
  • Personalised Independence Development plan created
  • Invaluable experience living in own living space

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